Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Baby steps

Get back on your bike! Pick up where you left off!

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you start blogging after months of absence in which time your entire world monumentally changed and stayed the same?

One word at a time.

So for today...

hello. is there anybody out there?


Donna said...


Anonymous said...

"I'm here", said Kendall in a wee voice

Kyla said...

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Love the new tagline and about me.


Alex Fulton Design said...

Present! (sitting up neatly on the map, arms folded and legs crossed)
P.S. Elephant is one of my fav sayings...

Anonymous said...

Well Heeeellllooooo there! said Kathryn

Amanda said...


BeJolly said...

hello, hello, hello - is anybody in there? Aahhhh yes - pink floyd straight out my mouth - sounding way better in my head though I am sure!

Anonymous said...

Hello from long ago.. From the time of many rehearsals from July to Dec, from excited kiddies at SPARKs, those pre-cancerous days when the biggest thing that shook in Sumner were the cabaret audiences as they laughed their way to Xmas. I hope all is going well in Hamilton ... or is that an oxymoron????

Hilary Mark and Heather